Getting Unstuck

Everyone goes through periods in their life where they may feel unfulfilled, dissatisfied or confused about what they want or how to move forward with their life or career. Or you may find yourself repeating the same negative patterns or self destructive behaviors.

Whether you are experiencing a life or career transition, or want to engage in self exploration to enhance personal growth, therapy can help. By exploring your goals, dreams, motivations and behaviors, you can gain greater clarity as to why you feel stuck, identify and transform sabotaging belief systems and destructive behavior patterns, and identify ways to move forward into increased effectiveness in living the life you want.

Signs and Symptoms

- Wanting something new but experiencing low motivation in moving forward
- Repetitive, negative self talk
- Persistent worry
- Indecisiveness
- Over-thinking
- Indulging in too much nostalgia for the past
- Lack of self-confidence
- Fear of change
- Fear of judgement from others
- Loss of hope
- Experiencing feelings of burnout or a sense of overwhelm

How Therapy Can Help

As we move through life, our priorities change. During transitional phases, therapy can help you clarify the change you desire to implement. By examining your values and determining what currently matters to you most, therapy can help you create a vision for the life you want and take actionable steps to achieving your goals.

Therapy can help you identify and change the patterns and negative thinking habits that hold you back.Whether examining past events that affect your current behaviors from a psychodynamic approach or by changing automatic negative thoughts with cognitive behavioral therapy, we can help you shift your perspective and positively embrace change.

Flatiron Mental Health Counseling offers a variety of different theoretical approaches. We work with you to determine the best fit for you and your goals. You are your own authority and we look forward to assisting you in taking action toward living your best life.